Wellbeing of personnel  - Leijona Catering Skip to content

Competencies, commitment and wellbeing of personnel 

Competence development is a joint effort  

Leijona Catering is a strong expert of food services and a responsible workplace. We want to offer our personnel a safe and inspiring workplace. For us, occupational wellbeing and the competencies and skills of personnel are key.  

State-of-the-art competencies require continuous development of both the work itself and the people. In addition to the skills needed at work we develop our personnel so that they are able to make healthy and sustainable choices both in their jobs and their personal lives and to also guide our customers.  

Workplace safety is continuously developing  

Our priority is to take care of our personnel’s wellbeing and the safety of the workplace. We want to ensure the fluency of the daily work and good collaboration with colleagues and team leaders. The expectations and targets of the job are known to every Leijona Catering employee which increases the shared sense of purpose. Therefore, we invest in dialogue and coaching as a part of leadership skills. Improving the wellbeing of the workplace community is a goal shared by us all. We continuously improve the practices related to workplace safety via regular meetings with team leaders and occupational safety personnel.  

We collaborate actively with our employment pension company, occupational health service provider, and occupational insurance companies. This is how we ensure holistic services to all personnel to maintain the ability to work.   

Promoting equality  

We want to create a work environment where trust and respect are fostered and diversity is supported and valued. As an employer Leijona Catering is committed to treating employees equally, objectively, and without bias. No form of harassment or discrimination is allowed.  

Developing a positive work culture  

We survey the work satisfaction of personnel on an annual basis via the Trust Index by the Great Place to Work® Institute. The long-lasting work to build a good workplace has born fruit. Leijona Catering has held a Great Place to Work® certificate since 2019.  

Strength from networks 

Expert networks consisting of representatives from different units and competence areas within Leijona Catering concentrate on developing work and food safety, purchases, cleaning, and menus. We encourage our personnel to share their ideas and insights about good practices and ways of working for the benefit of the entire work community.