It is important for us to be present in the innovation activity of the food industry along the entire life cycle, i.e. farm to fork, while representing the perspective large scale kitchens and sourcing. Leijona Catering employees who participate in development work mainly come from our product development and innovations team but once the projects proceed we test ingredients, recipes and methods also in practice in our restaurants.
Leg4Life is a project jointly owned by the Helsinki University, the Health and Wellbeing Institute, and the Natural Resources Institute for the period of 2019 to 2025. The goal of Leg4Life is to increase the use of legumes, ie. peas and beans, and thus trigger a wide societal change towards a healthier food system and climate neutral food production and consumption.
In 2022 we collaborate with this project by testing legume-intensive dishes in two garrison canteens for three weeks while the customers participate by answering specific questionnaires to give their feedback to the project.

Just Food is the other important half of research concentrating on a legume-intense diet. This multi-owner strategic national project studies ways to transition to a climate-smart and healthy food system in a sustainable, acceptable and just manner.

The Protein Cluster
The Protein Cluster is a plant protein focused collaboration forum, initiated in 2021, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland, the Finnish Cereal Committee (VYR), and the Technical Research Centre. The goal of the collaboration is to strengthen and develop the industry of alternative protein sources. The cluster covers the entire chain from primary production to consumers. More information at here.
Blue Products
The Blue Products project started in 2018 aims at increasing the value of domestic fish especially by developing new products with high added value. A specific focus area are herring, bristling, and roach. More information here.

Carbon Action
There is a huge natural potential in the soil to capture and store carbon away from the atmosphere and thus curb climate change. The Carbon Action platform started by the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) helps promote farming methods that expedite the storage of carbon to cultivated land and verify this storage scientifically. Increasing the carbon sink in cultivated soil is called carbon farming or regenerative farming. Further synergies are ensuring harvests (e.g. better drought and flood resistance) and revitalizing eco systems.
Carbon Action platform brings together and implements high level scientific research about the carbon capture of soil and the reduction of climate impacts from farming. The platform hosts many projects and a wide research network. Leijona Catering announced joining the platform by giving a Baltic Sea Pledge in late 2021.

In addition to participating in collaborative development projects Leijona Catering closely follows e.g. the activitites of Climate-friendly Food Programme by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland which holistically covers the material sustainability challenges for the food industry.